ozy ardiansyah

ozy ardiansyah

I have interests and hobbies to the design, especially graphic design
I was a designer who is attending lectures in management and marketing ..
I could make a modern design by applying the concept of marketing in it

About > Activities

Maya van Tronje,

lebt in Leipzig,

fotografiert seit 2006


Marguerite Crooks is an emerging artist currently residing in central Oregon. She has produced and shown work in Bellingham, Seattle, and Whidbey Island, Washington. She has also traveled and produced in Croatia, Italy, France and Spain.

Franz Hergl - geboren 1927 - gestorben 2009

Nach über 2 Jahren Arbeit endlich fertig: der künstlerische Nachlass von Franz Hergl.
Sein komplettes Lebenswerk exklusiv bei Artflakes.

Franz Hergl - born 1927 - died 2009

After more than two years of work done at last: the artistic estate of Franz Hergl.
His entire life's work exclusively by Artflakes.

Seit meiner frühsten Kindheit, war eine Kamera mein treuester Wegbegleiter! Da es mich schon sehr früh in die Welt hinaus gezogen hat, konnte ich so über viele Jahre Bildmaterial sammeln und experimentieren. Später folgte eine Ausbildung im Medienbereich und im Digitaldruck. Immer mit dem Ziel vor Augen, einmal selbst Kunst aus meinen Bildern zu machen. Ich hoffe ich kann Ihnen und anderen viel Freude damit bereiten. Herzlichen Dank Ihre Scandella

Fotograf im Bereich Menschen, Portraits, Natur, Architektur wie auch experimentelle Fotografie.

Mark Llewellyn LSWPP, LNPS

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Wenn ich wüsste, was Kunst ist, würde ich es für mich behalten.

(Pablo Picasso)

eleanor p. labrozzi photography has evolved over a period of years. Focusing primarily on black and white in the early stages of her career, she has now turned to experimenting with color and patterns. Her photographic focus began with a broad view of nature and its intrigues. As her talents and techniques developed she turned from a broad spectrum to the elements that compose a whole. The field once shot now becomes the flower, the flower becomes the petal.
Eleanor’s photographic ability, is combined with a good eye for color and design. Using textures derived from nature she creates new forms. Working with details and components, she has found a way of expressing the patterns of nature and man into a new visual composition. By creating a geometric pattern of her photographs she creates a new visual form.

Copyright © eleanor p. labrozzi. All Rights Reserved.
My Images Do Not Belong To The Public Domain. Any reproduction, modification, publication, transmission, transfer, or exploitation of any of the content, for personal or commercial use, whether in whole or in part.
All my images here and on my other web sites are fully protected by U.S. and international copyright laws, all rights reserved. The images may not be copied, reproduced, manipulated or used in any way, without written permission of eleanor p. labrozzi. Any unauthorized usage will be prosecuted to the full extent of U.S. Copyright Law.

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I'm a free lance creator. I do it to keep myself engaged and my friends entertained. I create, I write, hell, I'll cook you a casserole if it keeps you from getting bored. I create to inspire and to connect.

Kölner, der gerne mit seiner Kamera und seinem iPhone durch die Welt läuft.

Brasileiro, inglês de google tradutor.


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Noemí Carrau was born in Barcelona and she studied Fine Arts in Spain and Italy. Now she is living in Venice and working as a street artist. She is interested in drawing and etching and she also uses her artworks to create artist books.

Freelance artist from Greece.

Smartphonephotographer aus Krefeld am Rhein!

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